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Planning Inclusive Activities for Persons with Special Needs

Tips & Articles Special Needs
Don't let the lack of knowledge about interacting with persons with special needs hinger you from forming meaningful connections. Read on for the best practices and key areas to note when planning activities that involve them!

Planning Inclusive Activities for Persons with Special Needs masthead

Organising activities or events that involve persons with special needs require careful consideration and planning. Don't let a lack of understanding and familiarity discourage you from interacting and forming meaningful connections with them. Taken from SG Enable's Enabling Guide, here are some best practices and key areas to consider for greater inclusivity when organising activities for persons with special needs.  

TOUCH Special Needs Group (TSNG) believes that every person with disabilities is valuable and aims to empower them to gain independence, social inclusion, and maximise their potential to be contributing members of society. It does that through two Day Activity Centres, a dedicated service for the Deaf and an Adult Disability Hostel, as well as programmes like TOUCH SpecialCrafts and Community Support Service. It is also the agency appointed by SG Enable to operate an Enabling Services Hub (ESH) in Jurong, in support of the Enabling Masterplan 2030 to bring community support services closer to the homes of persons with disabilities and their caregivers.