Mental Wellness Outreach for Seniors (CREST Programme)

Our CREST team promotes early detection of dementia and mental health conditions among seniors in Cheng San-Seletar. 

Mental Wellness Outreach for Seniors (CREST Programme)

Safeguarding Our Community’s Mental and Social Wellness

The Community Resource, Engagement & Support Team (CREST) provides a community safety network for seniors who have, or are at risk of, dementia, depression, and other mental health conditions.

Through CREST, seniors with dementia and mental health conditions will be able to seek early treatment closer to home. Both they and their caregivers will also be supported throughout their mental wellness journey.

CREST is a programme under the Community Mental Health Masterplan, developed by the Agency for Integrated Care (AIC) and Ministry of Health (MOH).

What You Can Expect

For seniors in the Cheng San-Seletar constituency, the TOUCH CREST team offers:

  • Outreach and education to raise awareness of mental health conditions and dementia 
  • Mental health screening for at-risk seniors 
  • Emotional support for seniors who have or are at risk of dementia and mental health conditions 
  • A listening ear and resources for caregivers 
  • Preventive activities such as walks and senior-friendly SilverPad activities to support seniors’ well-being and stimulate their cognitive function

We also connect individuals with relevant health and social care services as needed.

Eligibility Criteria

CREST TOUCH @ Cheng San-Seletar serves clients who are:

  • Aged 18 and above 
  • Resides in the constituency of Cheng San-Seletar 
  • Diagnosed with dementia, depression, or other mental health issues OR identified to be at-risk of developing these conditions

Do you fit the criteria and need community-based support? Get in touch with us today.

Get in Touch with Us

Contact Information

Resources Beyond TOUCH

Community Mental Health Programmes

The Agency for Integrated Care (AIC), in collaboration with the Ministry of Health (MOH), supports persons with mental health illnesses and dementia through services close to their home – encouraging early detection and treatment.  

Learn more

Let’s Support Our Seniors Together

We welcome donors who are keen to support our active ageing support service. Your support will ensure that our seniors receive the proper care and support they need to live their best lives at home.