Digital Wellness Programmes

An initiative that provides seniors with skills and knowledge to use digital technologies, enhancing their overall well-being and keeping them socially connected.


Empowering Seniors with Digital Skills for Enhanced Wellbeing

We provide a range of home-based and community-based services to meet the diverse needs of our seniors, supporting their right to age gracefully.

At the heart of our mission lies a commitment to enrich every senior’s well-being by improving and leveraging on their digital skills.

Whether it’s mastering the smartphone, discovering the magic of apps, or simply connecting with others, our programmes are created to help seniors navigate the digital world effectively.

Who It’s For

Our Digital Wellness Programmes are open to seniors aged 60 and above, keen on upgrading their digital literacy skills

What You Can Expect

We partner with the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA), corporates, and institutions to run these activities.

These wellness programmes include:

  • Regular training sessions
  • Talks on topics such as: 
    • Cybersecurity
    • Apps usage
    • Online platforms and transactions 
    • Cyber wellness        

Our focus is on promoting holistic well-being by addressing both physical and mental health. We also strive to create a sense of community and foster social connections among all our participants.

Get in touch with us for details about our programmes and find what suits you best.

Get in Touch with Us

We have a network of centres located around Singapore ready to support you.

Let’s Support Our Seniors Together

We welcome donors who are keen to support our active ageing support service. Your support will ensure that our seniors receive the proper care and support they need to live their best lives at home..