Community Case Management

A one-stop service that helps vulnerable seniors with complex health and social needs to continue aging in place. 

Community Case Management

Enriching Seniors with Holistic Community Case Management   

At TOUCH, we strive to provide a range of home-based and community-based services to meet the diverse needs of seniors to support ageing in community. Supported by a team of social workers, our Community Case Management service aims to deliver holistic and customised care for seniors. 

We are the single point of contact for those under our care, and coordinate the support they need to lead independent lives as part of our community.

What We Can Offer

  • General information and referral services
  • Assessment and evaluation of seniors’ healthcare and social needs 
  • Service coordination and management 
  • Care plan monitoring 
  • Counselling and emotional support 
  • Home safety management 
  • Caregiver resources and support 
  • Support with end-of-life matters such as Lasting Power of Attorney and Advance Care Planning 

Eligibility Criteria

The Community Case Management service is available to seniors who meet both sets of requirements: 

  1. Age
    Aged 60 and above

  2. Needs
    Has complex health and social care needs that meet these criteria:
    Two or more psycho-social challenges (category A
    One psycho-social challenge (category A) and at least one medical need (category B)
    One psycho-social challenge (category A) and at least one functional challenge (category C
Category A: Psycho-social Challenges
  • Absence of caregiver/caregiver stress
  • Family or domestic issues, including neglect and abusive relationships; or social isolation or low mood 
  • Lack of environmental safety or unstable housing arrangement 
Category B: Medical Complexities

These often require additional assistance and monitoring. 

  • Poorly controlled chronic condition(s) such as hypertension (high blood pressure), diabetes mellitus (high blood sugar), hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol) 
  • Advanced disease(s) such as dementia
Category C: Functional Impairment

Physical or cognitive impairment that requires the coordination of different services to help the senior perform the following tasks: 

  • Toileting 
  • Bathing 
  • Dressing 
  • Feeding 
  • Cooking 
  • Taking medication 
  • Moving around freely from place to place
  • Transferring (e.g., moving from bed to wheelchair) 
  • Shopping for groceries and other necessities 
  • Housekeeping 
  • Using a phone 
  • Managing finances 

What You Can Expect

Customised care plans

Our social workers will conduct home visits to assess your needs and discuss your care plans. This will be followed by scheduled home visits to monitor your progress. 

Single point of contact

When you engage TOUCH for this service, you will only need to communicate with one point of contact – Us.  

We aim to simplify the entire process for you by directly dealing with other community partners and coordinating the services you require. 


Currently, the CCMS services are fully funded by Government of Singapore. However, the recommended community-based services, such as day care centres or home care services are on a co-payment basis.

Subsidies may be available. Means testing will determine your eligibility and the level of subsidy. The means test is based on household income per capita or annual value of your residence. 

Get in Touch with Us


Let’s Support Our Seniors Together

We welcome donors who are keen to support our home care support service. Your support will ensure that our seniors receive the proper care and support they need to live their best lives at home.