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Embracing Second Chances

Community Stories Seniors
Life took an unexpected turn after Mr Ong had a fall at home. Find out how TOUCH's Reablement Programme helped him regain independence to live an active and healthier life today.

Embracing Second Chances

Caption: Mr Ong (middle) coached by Reablement Care Coordinator Ms Kelly Chaw (left), and Reablement Care Associate Ms Emily Eng (right).

Life took an unexpected turn two years ago after Mr Ong Fat Chu had a fall at home – his second fall in the year. Already despondent due to ill health, the 75-year-old, who lives with his wife and two children, felt helpless. 

“At that time, I had sleepless nights and felt restless. I stayed at home most of the time and would sometimes frequent the nearby coffeeshop. Although I used a walking frame, I could only take a few steps at a time. It was tiring. I felt anxious about going out because I was afraid of falling again,” recalls Mr Ong. 

Caption: Senior officer from TOUCHpoint@AMK 433 Ms Tracy Lee with Mr Ong. 

While at the coffeeshop one day, Mr Ong was approached by Ms Tracy Lee, senior officer from TOUCHpoint@AMK 433, who observed him struggling with his walking frame. She befriended him and connected him to TOUCH’s Reablement team – a simple move that would transform his life. 

Reclaiming Independence Through Reablement 

The Reablement Programme, funded by the Tote Board Community Health Fund, is a care approach that seeks to promote greater independence and autonomy in the elderly, to empower them to live more active and healthier lives. Supported by care professionals, seniors receive personalised coaching and training to increase their ability and confidence to age well and age-in-place. 

“When we first met Mr Ong, his determination to reclaim his once independent life was evident. He values being able to walk longer distances and take public transport for medical appointments – a small but significant step towards regaining control over his life. As someone who fiercely cherishes his autonomy, Mr Ong does not want to rely on his family for support. Instead, he is focused on strengthening his abilities to build greater confidence and self-reliance," says Ms Kelly Chaw, Reablement Care Coordinator. 

Caption: (From left) TOUCH staff Tracy, Emily and Kelly discussing Mr Ong’s case at TOUCHpoint@AMK 433.

Caption: Empowering seniors to take charge of their health through Reablement.

Mr Ong was put on a three-month intervention programme supported by the Reablement team. They worked with him to understand his mindset and co-develop strategies to fulfil his personalised goals. 

“Initially, I wasn’t sure if I could get better. But later, I realised the exercises are effective because they help me to achieve my end goal which is to be independent. I learnt to move around in actual places like the bus stop, market, hospital and the nearby mall,” adds Mr Ong who was also trained to use his rollator when navigating outdoors. 

Caption: Training Mr Ong to navigate confidently in his neighbourhood safely.

Caption: Mr Ong (left) learning to take public transport safely.

Through health coaching by Ms Chaw and contextualised training sessions with Reablement Care Associate Ms Emily Eng, Mr Ong has learnt to establish a regular exercise routine, travel safely despite his poor vision and adopt healthy lifestyle habits. 

Living a Purposeful Life 

Gradually, his strength and mood improved. A walk that used to take him half an hour from home to the centre now takes just five minutes. He goes to the centre daily to chat with his friends, exercises with them and helps to water the plants. 

Caption: Mr Ong (third from left) enjoys dropping by TOUCHpoint@AMK 433 to interact with residents.

“Now, I use a rollator when going out. I can walk more smoothly too. When I proudly showed off my rollator to my friends, they liked it and told me they see a big change in me – for the better ,” says Mr Ong, who travelled for the first time on public transport after two years. 

“I am so much happier now! Instead of being cooped up at home, I have the freedom to go out. I can go further to run errands. I have more choices in life and I can decide what I want to do. I’ve also learnt how to monitor my health and have stopped drinking. I want to be a health advocate to show others that Reablement works.” 

“Through Reablement, we were able to intervene early. Mr Ong has now regained his independence and does not need to be on any home care services. Being socially connected in the community, such as through TOUCHpoint@AMK 433 also helps, as he can sustain healthy lifestyle habits and enjoy a better quality of life,” adds Ms Chaw. 

If you know of anyone who can benefit from TOUCH's Reablement Programme, please call email or visit click here.   

Story published in 2024.