
We equip young people with Service-Learning skills and knowledge, helping them develop projects that make a real difference in the community. 


Moulding Leaders of Tomorrow

Service-learning is more than just helping the community. It’s about learning and growing while serving. Unlike typical volunteer work and community service, it emphasises active learning as participants take on real community issues. 

As pioneers in Service-Learning since 2006, we have impacted more than 30,000 youths and educators. We equip youths with service-learning competencies, such as critical thinking and problem-solving skills, using an evidence-based framework. 

This enables them to develop meaningful and impactful projects that address social issues and contribute to positive change in the community. 

Heart to Serve + Call to Lead + Courage to Engage = Service-Leadership 

Learn more about the seven Service-Learning competencies (PDF 1MB)

Who It’s For 

  • School students between the ages of 9 and 21 
  • Educators and school teachers who are keen to get their students involved in Service-Learning 

What You Can Expect

Through workshops and mentoring sessions, we guide you to achieve your objectives and meet the real needs of the clients served. 

There are two tiers of Service-Learning programmes designed to enhance your community engagement and leadership skills. We start by helping you understand the community’s needs and challenges, followed by equipping you with the necessary competencies.

‘Community Explorer’ Programmes

We connect youths to today’s social issues and cultivate a spirit of volunteerism through positive service-learning experiences. Using experiential-learning activity simulation and virtual escape rooms, we encourage you to step into other people’s shoes and become more empathetic.

Topics covered: 

  • Elderly (TEENacious) 
  • Special Education Needs (UNBROKEN)
  • Peer Support (Lend a Hand, Mend a Friend)
  • Family (You can be the BAM in your FAMBAM!)
‘Community Leader’ Programmes

You will acquire observable competencies and skills to plan and execute projects more effectively. You will also learn to create sustainable projects that address a societal or community need, and grow in civic consciousness and compassion for the needy and disadvantaged.

Topics covered:

  • Service-Learning knowledge
  • Research skills
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Organisational skills
  • Communication skills
  • Relationship management skills
  • Reflection skills 

Download our brochure for more about these programmes (PDF 8MB) 

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