
Please stay on this page while we fetch your details.

Step 1 of 4

Volunteer Sign-up Form

All fields marked with (*) are mandatory.
Based on your selection, we will require additional form fields to capture the relevant information.

Tell Us Your Availability

Frequency is required
Please reduce your input to fit within the allowed limit (290 chars)
Your preferred availability is required
Commit period is required (Others)
Please reduce your input to fit within the allowed limit (90 chars)
Commit period is required
Please select at least one location
Time commitment is required (Others)
Please reduce your input to fit within the allowed limit (990 chars)
Time commitment is required

Step 2 of 4

Volunteer Sign-up Form

All fields marked with (*) are mandatory.
Based on your selection, we will require additional form fields to capture the relevant information.

Share experience and skills in volunteering

Previous volunteering is required (Others)
Please reduce your input to fit within the allowed limit (990 chars)
Previous volunteering is required
Where did you learn about is required
Please reduce your input to fit within the allowed limit (90 chars)
Your motivation
0 / 990
Please fill the text field
Please select at least one option
Your experience
0 / 1990
Please fill the text field
Your abilities and personality
0 / 990
Please fill the text field

We may assign you specific roles that align with your skills

Other skills
0 / 990
Please fill the text field
Please reduce your input to fit within the allowed limit (90 chars)

Include additional details to your availability, commitment and location.

Additional remarks
0 / 990

Step 3 of 4

Volunteer Sign-up Form

All fields marked with (*) are mandatory.
Based on your selection, we will require additional form fields to capture the relevant information.

Provide your personal details

Please enter a valid NRIC
Please enter a valid input
Please enter a valid email address
Please enter a valid mobile number
Please enter a valid postal code
Please enter block/house no, street name
Please reduce your input to fit within the allowed limit (190 chars)
Please reduce your input to fit within the allowed limit (140 chars)
Please select your gender

Parental consent is required for volunteers under 18 years old. Please provide your parent's details on the next page

Please select or enter a race (Others)
Please reduce your input to fit within the allowed limit (90 chars)

Provide your education and occupation details

Please reduce your input to fit within the allowed limit (140 chars)
Please reduce your input to fit within the allowed limit (90 chars)
Please select your employment status

Step 4 of 4

Volunteer Sign-up Form

All fields marked with (*) are mandatory.
Based on your selection, we will require additional form fields to capture the relevant information.


Please respond to the question
Please respond to the question
Conviction(s) details
Please enter your conviction details

For Parental Consent

Please enter parent's NRIC/FIN
Please enter parent's full name
Please enter parent's email address
Please enter parent's phone number


I hereby declare that the information on this form is true and accurate. I understand that my application to volunteer is subject to the approval of TOUCH Community Services.

I agree, as a volunteer to treat all clients and TOUCH Community Services’s information as confidential (including pictures and videos of clients) and will not collect, use or disclose them without the permission of TOUCH Community Services. I fully understand and agree that the personal information which I have provided may be used for purposes related to volunteering at TOUCH Community Services.


  1. I agree, as a volunteer for TOUCH Community Services (TOUCH), to treat all clients and TOUCH’s information as confidential (including pictures and videos of clients or events etc) and will not collect, use or disclose them without the permission of TOUCH that includes copying, extracting or translating them for unofficial use or allow others to do so.
  2. I fully understand and agree that the personal information which I have provided may be used for purposes related to volunteering at TOUCH. I agree for TOUCH to use my personal information for the following purposes related to promoting the work of TOUCH in the community, reporting to stakeholders as well as fund-raising.
  3. I agree to indemnity TOUCH against all actions, claims, demands, costs and expenses, whatsoever which may be taken against or incurred.
  4. I understand that TOUCH engages both staff and volunteers in its Centre operations.
  5. I hereby agree and undertake not to hold TOUCH, its staff, clients or other volunteers liable or responsible for any death, injury, accident, loss or damage to persons or property whatsoever caused or suffered, whether in or outside the Centre.


  1. As a volunteer of TOUCH, I will treat all official documents and information (including client and stakeholder data) which I prepare or receive in the course of duty as confidential. I must not, either during or after my volunteering service, copy, extract or translate them for unofficial use or allow others to do so.
  2. I will also with-hold from taking photos and videos of clients and/or other peoples, in the course of volunteering with TOUCH, without first seeking their permission. I will not share people’s stories and photos publicly (e.g. on blogs, Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms), without first seeking the permission of TOUCH.
  3. I understand that any breaches of the Volunteer Code of Conduct may lead to a warning of unacceptable behaviour or immediate termination of services as a volunteer.
  4. I have read and understood the Code of Conduct.
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