School Mental Wellness Workshops

We provide psychoeducation workshops and assembly talks for the primary, secondary, and tertiary levels.


Tailored Workshops to Promote Mental Wellness in Schools

We run mental wellness workshops and assembly talks that are informative, interactive, and thoughtfully designed for various age groups.

Our workshops and talks are fully customisable. Whether you’re looking to address specific challenges or simply promote overall wellbeing, we can create a programme that meets your requirements.

Stress Management

Stress is part and parcel of life. In fact, it is a normal response that our body experiences, whenever we encounter difficulties. However, it can feel overwhelming if we lack the skills to cope with stress.

This module addresses these questions and feelings and equips participants with effective coping strategies to protect their mental wellbeing.


Mindfulness is a therapeutic technique that helps you to achieve a calm mental state through awareness and observation of your thoughts.

This module seeks to equip participants with three simple and effective mindfulness activities that they can apply in their daily lives.

Anger Management

Anger is an emotion that is often misunderstood. It is in fact not wrong to be angry, but the way we express anger can sometimes lead to destructive behaviour. 

This module seeks to shed light on anger, and how we can express anger in safe and effective ways.


Participants will learn about the importance of self-care and explore new opportunities for self-care in their daily life.

Get in Touch with Us

Send us an email with your requests or to enquire about pricing.

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