The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work Programme

We offer concepts, behaviours, and skills that will guide you and your spouse toward a harmonious and lasting relationship.


Guiding You Toward a Strong and Enduring Marriage

This programme provides couples with evidence-based tools and techniques to help them understand, repair, and strengthen their marriage. 

This is suitable for married couples who wish to build an emotionally intelligent, harmonious and long-lasting marriage.

What You Can Expect 

  • Developing and deepening your love maps 
  • Nurturing fondness and admiration 
  • Turning towards instead of away from your partner 
  • Accepting each other’s influence 
  • Resolving conflicts by addressing the manageable issues  
  • Overcoming unresolvable gridlocks 
  • Create shared meaning as partners

Workshop Details

Duration 2 hour per week, over 8 weeks 
Mode Online
Fee $54.50 including GST per person 

All participants will purchase their own copy of "The 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work" for use during the workshop. The price of the book is not included within the workshop fee. 

You may fill in this form to indicate your interest in the programme.

Get in Touch with Us

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