Marriage Check-in

Conducted in an individual couple setting, this programme focuses on reigniting companionship, romance, and commitment in your relationship.


Rediscover Intimacy and Connection

Over time, a couple's ability and desire to communicate about or deepen their relationship tends to fade away – affecting the vibrancy of their marriage.

This could be due to the overwhelming array of their responsibilities including parenthood, their careers, family, health, and other life transitions.

Using the evidence-based PREPARE/ENRICH Relationship Assessment inventory, followed by a one-on-one session, we help the couple unpack and understand how they can enhance their marital relationship.

Who It’s For

This programme is suitable for married couples:

  • Approaching their fifth year of marriage 
  • Going through various life stage changes i.e., becoming new parents

What You Can Expect

  • Discover your marriage strengths and growth areas 
  • Comprehend the dynamics of your relationship 
  • Understand your partner's personality through the SCOPE personality scales 
  • Increase connectedness and flexibility in your relationship 

Upon successful registration, couples will receive the link to complete the PREPARE/ENRICH questionnaire. 

Once this is completed, the date and time of the session will be arranged with the facilitator. 

The unpacking session (including the completion of the PREPARE/ENRICH questionnaire) will need to be completed within three months from the date that the questionnaire is received.

Workshop Details

Duration 2 hours
Timing Between 9:00am – 6:00pm   
Programme mode  Onsite or online (depending on availability of facilitator) 
Fee  $180.80 w/GST per couple (includes the cost of the PE Tool which is 35 USD per couple) 

Slots do fill up quickly so don’t miss out. Sign up for this workshop while spaces are still available.

Get in Touch with Us

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