Building Connections, Celebrating Marriage Workshop

We help married couples to reconnect with one another on a deeper emotional level through interactive activities.  

Building Connections, Celebrating Marriage Workshop

Rebuild Personal Connections with Your Spouse

Whether you are newly married, or have been married for many years, it is always a good time to give a little boost to your relationship.

This bonding event aims to reconnect married couples on a deeper emotional level. We achieve this through interactive activities and bonding exercises, which culminate with a memorable renewal of vows. 

Who It’s For

This event is suitable for both newly married couples, and couples that have been together for a longer time.

What You Can Expect

Through this workshop, both you and your spouse will build connections and celebrate marriage by practicing the four keys to an enriching marital life.

Packed with interactive bonding activities, this three-hour session is worth investing in as you’ll gain deep insights into marriage and relationships, making it an enriching experience for any couple.

At the end of programme, couples would have learned:

  • To reconnect on a deeper emotional level through appreciation and affirmation 
  • About forgiveness and the languages of apology 
  • To cherish each other through love letter writing and renewal of wedding vows

Workshop Details

Date Saturday, 4 October 2025
Time 10am to 1pm
Venue Ficus Room @ Active Gardens, Gardens by the Bay
Duration 3 hours
Fee $50 w/GST per couple


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