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Thank you for being a part of this journey to inspire hope and impact lives.

Donate to Touch Lives

Donate to support seniors, persons with special needs, mental wellness

Double your donations when you give towards the following causes.

  • Seniors
  • Persons with Special Needs
  • Mental Wellness

The dollar-for-dollar matching scheme is by the Singapore government under the Community Silver Trust.


General donations will be used to support all causes.

Please select a cause
Please select a donation frequency

Minimum amount to donate is $5.

Minimum amount should be $5
$50 fully supports services and social activities for an elderly person for over 2 months
$100 fully supports services and social activities for an elderly person for over 2 months
$200 fully supports services and social activities for an elderly person for over 2 months
Please select a donation amount

Individual and corporate donations are eligible for 250% tax deduction. The deduction will be automatically included in your tax assessment if you have provided your tax reference number (e.g. NRIC/FIN/UEN).

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Personal Information

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Please enter your NRIC/FIN.
Please enter a valid NRIC no. (e.g., S1234562A) or FIN (e.g., M1234567B).
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Payment Options

You will be asked to provide payment details after you submit this form.

Please select a payment type

By submitting this form, I agree to TOUCH collecting and using my personal information for donation-related and communication purposes in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 and our data protection policy. All donations made are non-refundable; please confirm your donation before proceeding.