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Community Stories Seniors Caregivers
Imagine having to consume more than 20 pills a day. Facing memory loss and poor health, 81-year-old Mdm Ong Foo Chin has difficulties sorting out her range of medication, but thanks to TOUCH Home Care (THC), her medication woes were eased three years ago.

Mdm Chin with walking assistant
Caption: Mdm Ong Foo Chin enjoys living independently in her one-room rental flat in Toa Payoh

Facing memory loss and poor health, Mdm Ong Foo Chin has difficulties sorting out her range of medication, but thanks to TOUCH Home Care (THC), her medication woes were eased three years ago. The 81-year-old needs to consume 14 pills during the day and 10 pills at night for her chronic illnesses like diabetes, hypertension and heart disease.

Mdm Ong used to work as a cleaner but after an eye operation a decade ago, her health worsened and she had to retire from her job.

“I have a lot of health problems. When I got older, I just felt very tired so I quit my job. Just looking at all my pills make me anxious. How can I remember what I am supposed to take?” said Mdm Foo, who is also on Public Assistance.

Mdm Ong had observed her elderly neighbours going for their medical appointments in a THC van, accompanied by a staff. So she was glad when she was referred to THC for support after repeated hospital admissions. That was the start of her journey with THC.

After assessing her needs, Mdm Ong was put on the Medical Escort and Transport service to relieve her of the stress of taking public transport. As she has difficulties moving around and settling her meals, THC arranged for meals to be delivered at her doorstep. The Home Personal Care team also helped to clean her home as she suffers from Osteoporosis and is unable to bend or squat. To make it easier for her to take her medication on time, Mdm Ong also received help in having her pills packed into a pillbox.

Journeying together

“I am so grateful to TOUCH staff for helping me in so many ways. When I have problems understanding the doctor’s instructions, I will ask the doctor to call nurse Joycelyn from TOUCH Home Care. She will then explain to me as well as to remind me to take my medicine.  I know whom I can turn to for help. I don’t worry so much now,” added Mdm Ong.

Caption: THC nurse (left) Ms Joycelyn Chan with Mdm Ong Foo Chin (right)

Caption: Enabling frail seniors to age well at home

Caption: THC nurse Ms Joycelyn Chan (right) explaining to Mdm Ong (left) about her medication

Caption: Providing medication management at home

During the pandemic, THC staff also kept close tabs on Mdm Ong as she was facing some emotional issues and had to stay indoors most of the time. To help her better manage her diabetes and health issues, THC nurse Joycelyn would constantly remind Mdm Ong not to drink soft drinks to quench her thirst and snack on titbits whenever she feels hungry. Mdm Ong now eats responsibly and enjoys better health.

When asked about her wishes in life, Mdm Ong said, “I do not expect much. I only want to continue living at home as long as I can. I do not want to live elsewhere. This is my neighbourhood. As long as my health does not worsen, I am contented. I hope other seniors know that they can also receive help at home. This will mean a lot to them,” added Mdm Ong.