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A Beacon of Hope for Mental Health

Community Stories Mental Wellness
19-year-old Navitha is a bright and outgoing girl who was confident of public speaking and loved meeting new people. Things took an unexpected turn when she started experiencing anxiety attacks and severe mood swings due to family issues.


Navitha was known for her friendly and extroverted nature. Her energy and warmth naturally drew people to her. Things took an unexpected turn when she started experiencing anxiety attacks and severe mood swings due to family issues when she was in Secondary 4. Navitha had a hard time focusing in school and managing her newfound emotions.  

“The anxiety attacks would happen very suddenly especially when I’m in social situations. If someone were to approach me in public, I would get heart palpitations, and my body would physically start shaking,” shares Navitha. 

Navitha recalls that she could not go to her family members for help. Mental health was not a topic they were comfortable discussing, and they struggled to understand and accept that their daughter could be facing a real mental health issue.  

The Courage to Seek Help 

Despite the situation at home, Navitha is thankful for her best friend and teacher who have been her pillars of support. When Navitha’s teacher noticed a difference in her personality and quality of schoolwork, she proactively checked in with Navitha to find out more about her situation.  

Navitha’s best friend also noticed a sudden change in her behaviour. As someone who struggled with mental health issues previously, her best friend was concerned for Navitha’s well-being and encouraged her to seek professional help.  

"I felt like I was not in a good place in my life. I decided to seek help from a counsellor to make myself feel better and learn how to manage these new emotions. My best friend and teacher were my biggest supporters, and they understood the struggles I faced,” shares Navitha, who mustered the courage to reach out to a counsellor at TOUCH Mental Wellness (TMW). 

Learning to Manage and Process Emotions 

Navitha began her counselling journey with TMW counsellor, Elaine, in March last year and received guidance on how to regulate and process her emotions. 

“The recovery process was not easy. There were days where I felt good, and days where I felt terrible. I used to be very negative and did not have the motivation to do anything, but counselling helped put things into perspective and taught me how to look at the bright side,” shares Navitha.

Journaling has been a useful tool to help Navitha cope whenever she spiraled into negativity or experienced an anxiety attack. “Elaine taught me ways prevent myself from drowning in my thoughts. Journaling helps me to reflect on my actions, and rethink how I can do better next time. I still have little bouts of anxiety today, but I know that I can take control, and everything will be ok.”  

Elaine has also seen a huge improvement in Navitha since she started counselling. She shares, "Navitha has learnt the importance of giving herself time and space to process her experiences and thoughts. She’s also become more open in communicating her emotional and relational needs and makes time to care for herself!"  

Navitha’s parents have also become more supportive after her teacher spoke with them. They are more understanding of her struggles and are supportive of her seeking help. With professional help, they hope that their daughter can feel better and be happy again.  

Bringing Hope to Others 

Today, Navitha is on the path to better mental health and working towards regaining her confidence and joy in life. 

 She’s also an active advocate for mental health through Beyond the Label (BTL), a nationwide movement aimed at addressing stigma and promoting social inclusion for persons with mental health conditions. Under BTL, Navitha volunteers at roving exhibitions in schools and shares with students on the importance of speaking up about mental health and seeking professional help. 

“If I ever encounter someone who needs help, I will encourage them to talk about it and seek professional help. With appropriate help, emotions can be regulated, and mental health can be managed. Instead of being quick to judge others, we should create a safe space for people to share their struggles and support them in their healing journey,” shares Navitha.  


TOUCH Mental Wellness (TMW) runs personalised therapy and counselling programmes to empower individuals to rise above their circumstances. An advocate of mental wellness, TMW has been organising mental wellness awareness mass runs, talks and workshops since 2015. It works closely with corporations to conduct mental wellness talks with an aim of equipping employees with handles to cope with stress and help them build resilience. It also specialises in mental wellness awareness and educational programmes for schools.  

Story published in 2024.